What is a mission statement and why would you have one for your Church? A mission statement is something that Churches have in order to let others know what they are about.
However, another very important purpose of a mission statement is to let it be the main lens that your Church makes decisions. As described in a course on branding that we’re making available, “It’s the litmus test to which every new idea or strategy must stand up. And it has everything to do with your unique story.”
- Whitesburg Baptist Church, Huntsville, Alabama: “We exist to help people encounter Jesus and experience life change!”
- First Bapist Church, Sherman, Texas: “Our mission is to exalt Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord and to lead all people into a life changing, ever growing relationship with Him.”
- Community Baptist Church, New Haven, Connecticut: “The mission of Community Baptist Church is to Worship the Christ, Equip the Church & Serve our Community.“
- First Baptist Church, St. Simon’s Island, Georgia: “The mission of the First Baptist Church of Saint Simons Island is to help people experience God through Jesus Christ, grow through Bible study and prayer, celebrate God’s presence in worship, give hope and help to those in need, and to provide a sanctuary of love and Christian fellowship.”
- Abyssinian Baptist Church, New York City, New York: “The mission of The Abyssinian Baptist Church is to advance the Kingdom of God through our core values of worship that honors our historic legacy of prophetic preaching and celebrates the power of God in our lives, evangelism that wins more souls for Christ, service that is focused on progress, economic empowerment, and justice in the Harlem community and across the globe, and education that enlightens and equips members to grow spiritually and culturally.”
- First Baptist Church, Greenwood, South Carolina: “Seeking His Heart . . . Being His Hands; Living, Loving, and Serving in the Name of Christ.”
- Union Baptist Church of Hempstead, New York: “As a body of Baptized believers, we aim to make disciples through the preaching and teaching of Jesus Christ. With the aid of the Holy Spirit, we endeavor to emphasize praise and worship, be community minded and life transforming.”
- Sherwood Baptist Church, Albany, Georgia: “to change the world from Albany, Georgia.”
- Bethesda Baptist Church, Washington, D.C.: “Finding the lost; training the found.”
- Brentwood Baptist Church, Brentwood, Tennessee: “Our mission is to engage the whole person with the whole gospel of Jesus Christ anywhere, anytime, with anybody.”
Some of these are longer, some of these are shorter. A mission statement shouldn’t probably be much longer than 15 words. It needs to be repeatable. Let these inspire you to figure out what your Church’s mission statement should be, and pray about it as well.
You can also schedule a meeting with us and then get free access to the Church Growth Academy, a program we’re building. We were going to only give our clients access to it, but we’ve decided to give access to it to every Church that books a free consultation.