Podcasting microphone set up in a Church sanctuary


Podcasts are becoming more and more popular. Even for Churches, they are more common. However, many don’t try starting one because they think it’s too much work. The truth is, it can be a lot of work. Another thing is that they may not see results for a while, as in traction for the podcast (it’s suggested to keep going for at least a year (doing at least 1 episode a week) before you decide to give up because that’s when you may actually gain traction).

Why should Churches start a podcast? There are many reasons, but here are several:

  1. Reach a wider audience.
  2. Create deeper connections.
  3. Provide additional value to members.
  4. Bring in the younger generations.
  5. Promote community engagement.

Since a podcast is available on the Internet, you get a much wider reach than most of your Church’s activities. Yet it’s so intimate that your community may get involved and interact with it.

Let’s look at how to get ideas for your podcast, how to start it, and how to promote it.

Planning Your Podcast

Defining Your Audience

Most podcasts have a defined audience. What you need to do first is to decide what audience you want to reach. In marketing, this is called a persona. Hubspot has a persona creator where you can further define your target audience. You can sign up for it free here: https://www.hubspot.com/make-my-persona,

By defining your persona before deciding the topic you want to create, you keep the main thing the main thing. Your podcast is to reach people, not to share about a topic, so defining your target audience before deciding your topic is key to doing this.

Once you’ve clearly defined your target audience, print out your persona. Start thinking about what your target audience needs Spiritually. What are their pains, what do they go through? Is this something that you are willing to interview local (or national) Christians about, or will it just be you (and perhaps a co-host) talking during the podcast?

You want to make this broad enough to be able to have at least 52 episodes, hopefully much more. Don’t go too deep on the issue. Going deep on the issue will create a better connection with your audience, but in return you’ll have an issue with getting listeners, guests (if you get guests on the podcast), and topics to talk about.

Based on your audience, you’ll also want to figure out how long your episodes will be (and try to keep it that length as much as possible). For instance, children have a shorter attention span than adults, so your podcast might be shorter if it were for children. Busy entrepreneurs may like longer podcasts (they can listen to it on their drive to the office), but they may also want a shorter bite-size podcast. However, another way to fix this issue is to have shorter clips made of your longer podcast.

If you interview guests, it’s harder to keep the podcast a specific length, especially at the risk of having to cut some content to make it shorter.

Another key issue you need to consider is if you just want the podcast to be audio, or if video is another avenue you want to consider. Podcasts started out as just audio, but now video is becoming a popular format as well. Some even put up an image of a podcast cover (with video of the soundwaves as the sound is playing) on YouTube, but you should avoid this to become more professional — if you want video, film it and use the audio part on other podcast platforms.

Brainstorming episode topics and selecting the right format to engage listeners

When it comes to creating a podcast that resonates with your target persona, brainstorming episode topics and selecting the right format are critical steps to ensure maximum engagement. By understanding the characteristics, interests, and preferences of your persona, you can craft content that speaks directly to their needs and desires.

Begin by considering the specific challenges, questions, and areas of interest that your target persona may have. For instance, if your persona is young professionals seeking Spiritual growth, you could explore topics such as navigating faith in the workplace, managing work-life balance from a biblical perspective, or finding purpose and fulfillment in their careers. Addressing these issues directly will grab the attention of your listeners and provide them with relevant and valuable content.

In addition to addressing challenges, think about offering practical tips and guidance that your persona can implement in their daily lives. Consider episodes that provide step-by-step instructions on applying Biblical teachings to real-world situations, or episodes that discuss personal development, such as fostering resilience, cultivating a prayer life, or building strong relationships grounded in faith. By offering actionable advice, you can empower your persona to grow Spiritually and live out their faith more intentionally.

Furthermore, vary the format of your episodes to keep the podcast engaging and dynamic. While sermon-style episodes can be valuable, consider incorporating interviews with experts, testimonies from fellow young professionals, or panel discussions that feature diverse perspectives. Mixing formats allows for a more interactive and relatable experience, capturing the attention of your persona and catering to their preference for authenticity and variety.

When selecting episode topics and formats, always keep the persona’s interests at the forefront. Explore themes like mental and emotional well-being, relationships, purpose and meaning, and current events from a faith-based perspective. These topics resonate with your target persona and demonstrate that your Church understands and addresses their concerns.

Remember to regularly assess feedback from your listeners, both in terms of episode topics and format preferences. This feedback can guide future brainstorming sessions, ensuring that your podcast continues to meet the needs and expectations of your persona. By consistently delivering content that is relevant, relatable, and valuable, you will engage your target persona and revitalize their spiritual journey through your podcast.

Outlining your podcast and preparing the equipment for recording

Outlining your podcast and preparing the equipment for recording are crucial steps in ensuring a smooth and professional podcasting experience. By taking the time to plan and organize your content, as well as ensuring you have the right equipment, you can set the stage for a successful podcast.

To begin, start by outlining your podcast. This involves determining the overall structure, theme, and tone of your episodes. Consider the format that best suits your content and target audience. Define the topics you want to cover and establish a rough episode plan. This will help you stay focused and ensure that your episodes flow coherently.

Once you have your podcast’s outline in place, it’s essential to gather the necessary equipment for recording. The quality of your recordings greatly impacts the listener’s experience. Invest in a good-quality microphone to ensure clear and professional-sounding audio. USB microphones, such as the Blue Yeti or Audio-Technica ATR2100x, offer a great balance between affordability and performance. Additionally, consider using headphones to monitor your audio during recording and editing.

In addition to a microphone and headphones, you may also need audio editing software. Popular options include Audacity (free and open-source), Adobe Audition, or GarageBand (for Mac users). These tools allow you to edit your recordings, remove background noise, and enhance the overall audio quality. However, keep in mind that there are websites, such as Fiverr.com, that have freelancers or agencies who can help you edit your podcast episodes, so you don’t have to know how to edit a podcast.

Before you start recording, make sure to prepare your recording environment. Find a quiet and controlled space where background noise can be minimized. Consider using soundproofing materials or recording in a room with carpeting and curtains to reduce echo and external disturbances. Test the acoustics of the room and adjust as needed to achieve the best sound quality.

Once you have your equipment and recording environment ready, familiarize yourself with the recording process. Practice using your microphone and audio editing software to ensure you are comfortable and proficient. Experiment with microphone placement and settings to find the optimal setup for your voice and recording space.

It’s worth mentioning that while quality equipment is important, it’s equally vital to focus on content and delivery. Even with the best equipment, a poorly planned and executed podcast may fail to engage listeners. Therefore, invest time in honing your storytelling skills, crafting compelling scripts, and delivering your content with enthusiasm and authenticity.

By outlining your podcast and preparing the necessary equipment, you lay the foundation for a well-structured and professional show. This attention to detail sets the stage for a podcasting experience that captivates and engages your audience. Remember, as you progress, continue to refine your podcasting skills and equipment to deliver an even better listening experience for your audience.

Starting Your Podcast

Recording and editing your first episode

Once you have your podcast outline and equipment in place, it’s time to dive into recording and editing your first episode. This initial step sets the tone for your podcast and establishes the quality and professionalism that you want to deliver to your audience.

Before you start recording, take a moment to gather your thoughts and rehearse any scripted parts or introductions. It’s helpful to create a rough outline or script for each episode to ensure a smooth flow and avoid excessive improvisation or rambling. While you want your podcast to sound natural and authentic, having a basic structure will help you stay focused and deliver your content effectively.

When recording your episode, make sure you are in a quiet environment and minimize any potential interruptions or background noises. Speak clearly and at a pace that is comfortable for your audience to follow. Experiment with microphone placement and test different settings to find the optimal sound quality. Remember to maintain a conversational and engaging tone throughout your recording to captivate your listeners.

Once you have recorded your episode, it’s time to move on to the editing process. This is where you refine and polish your audio to create a seamless and professional final product. Start by importing your recording into your chosen audio editing software. Listen through the entire recording and identify any parts that need improvement or editing.

Editing tasks may include removing any mistakes, long pauses, or unnecessary repetitions. You can also enhance the audio quality by adjusting levels, removing background noise, and adding music or sound effects if desired. Be mindful of pacing and transitions between segments or topics to maintain a smooth flow.

While editing, keep your target persona in mind. Consider their preferences and attention span to ensure your episode length aligns with their expectations. Aim for a balance between providing valuable content and keeping the episode concise and engaging.

Once you are satisfied with the final edited version of your episode, export it into a suitable audio format, such as MP3. Before moving forward, it’s a good practice to listen to the exported file once again to ensure everything sounds as intended.

Starting your podcast with a well-recorded and professionally edited first episode sets the stage for a high-quality listening experience. Remember that practice makes perfect, and your podcasting skills will continue to improve with each episode. Stay committed to consistently releasing new episodes, and don’t be afraid to experiment and refine your approach along the way.

Uploading your podcast to hosting platforms

Once you have recorded and edited your first episode, the next step is to upload your podcast to hosting platforms. These platforms serve as the central hub for your podcast, making it accessible to your audience across various podcast directories and platforms.

First, you need to choose a reliable podcast hosting platform. Popular options include platforms like Libsyn, Podbean, Buzzsprout, or Anchor. I personally use Soundwise, though, for my Church Growth Agency’s podcast and Anchor for my nonprofit’s podcast. Consider factors such as pricing, storage space, analytics, and ease of use when selecting your hosting platform. Many platforms offer step-by-step guides and tutorials to help you navigate the process.

Once you have selected a hosting platform, create an account and follow the platform’s instructions to set up your podcast. This typically involves providing details about your podcast, such as the title, description, and artwork. Your podcast artwork should be eye-catching, visually appealing, and represent your podcast’s theme or branding. You can also get the artwork done on a website like Fiverr.com (and even find gigs from sellers who can help you in the entire process of editing and even uploading your episodes, if you want).

After setting up your podcast, you will need to upload your first episode to the hosting platform. Most platforms have a straightforward process for uploading episodes. Typically, you will need to provide the audio file (in the recommended format, such as MP3), along with any additional information, such as the episode title, description, and tags. Take the time to craft compelling episode titles and descriptions that entice potential listeners and accurately represent the content of each episode.

Once you have uploaded your episode, the hosting platform will generate an RSS feed. This feed is a unique URL that contains all the necessary information about your podcast and its episodes. It serves as the bridge between your hosting platform and podcast directories, allowing them to fetch and display your episodes.

To ensure your podcast reaches a wider audience, it’s crucial to submit your podcast’s RSS feed to popular podcast directories. The most notable directories include Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Google Podcasts, and Stitcher. Each directory has its submission process, but in most cases, you will need to provide your podcast’s RSS feed URL, along with additional details and artwork. Once approved, your podcast will be listed in these directories, making it easily discoverable by millions of potential listeners.

It’s important to note that after submitting your podcast to directories, any future episodes you upload to your hosting platform will automatically be distributed to the directories. This makes it convenient to release new episodes consistently without manually submitting each episode.

Remember to regularly check your hosting platform for analytics and insights about your podcast’s performance. This data can provide valuable information about your audience, episode popularity, and engagement levels. Use this information to refine your content strategy and make data-driven decisions to improve your podcast’s reach and impact.

By uploading your podcast to hosting platforms and submitting it to podcast directories, you make your content accessible to a broader audience. This step is crucial for reaching your target persona and growing your podcast’s listenership. In the next section, we will explore how to promote and grow your podcast, leveraging various platforms and strategies to increase engagement and build a dedicated community of listeners.

Promoting and Growing Your Podcast

Choosing the right platforms and channels to promote the podcast

Promoting and growing your podcast is a crucial step in reaching a wider audience and building a dedicated community of listeners. To effectively promote your podcast, it’s essential to choose the right platforms and channels that align with your target persona and maximize your reach.

One of the primary ways to promote your podcast is through social media. Social media platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and LinkedIn offer opportunities to connect with your target audience, share updates about your podcast, and engage with listeners. Identify the platforms that your target persona is most active on and create dedicated profiles or pages for your podcast. Share snippets, episode highlights, behind-the-scenes content, and announcements to generate interest and encourage listeners to engage and share your podcast with their networks.

In addition to social media, consider utilizing your Church’s existing online presence to promote your podcast. If your Church has a website, create a dedicated section or page for your podcast where visitors can easily access episodes, subscribe, and learn more about your podcast. Utilize email newsletters or mailing lists to send updates and episode releases directly to your Church community, encouraging them to listen and share with others.

Collaborating with other podcasts or influencers in your niche can also be a powerful promotional strategy. Look for podcasts or influencers that share a similar target audience or thematic overlap. Reach out to them and propose guest appearances, cross-promotion, or joint projects. This collaboration allows you to tap into their existing audience and gain exposure to new listeners who may be interested in your podcast.

Consider leveraging podcast directories and platforms beyond the major ones like Apple Podcasts and Spotify. Explore niche directories, specialized podcast apps, or platforms catering to specific interests or communities. For example, if your podcast focuses on faith and Christianity, consider submitting your podcast to directories or platforms dedicated to religious or spiritual content. If your audience is business people, then either use business or Christianity as your category. This targeted approach helps you reach listeners who are specifically interested in your podcast’s subject matter.

Don’t underestimate the power of word-of-mouth marketing. Encourage your listeners to share your podcast with their friends, family, and social circles. Include calls-to-action within your episodes, asking listeners to rate, review, and share your podcast. Offer incentives such as exclusive bonus content or giveaways for those who refer new listeners to your podcast. This organic growth through personal recommendations can be highly effective in expanding your podcast’s reach.

Lastly, consider repurposing your podcast content to reach a broader audience. Transcribe episodes and publish them as blog posts on your Church’s website or other platforms. Create short video clips or audiograms using intriguing snippets from your episodes and share them on video-centric platforms like YouTube or TikTok. These alternative formats allow you to cater to different content preferences and engage with audiences who may prefer written or visual content.

Remember to regularly evaluate the effectiveness of your promotional efforts. Monitor metrics such as downloads, listens, engagement, and audience growth to understand what strategies are resonating with your target persona. Adjust and refine your promotional activities based on this feedback to continuously optimize your podcast’s reach and impact.

By choosing the right platforms and channels to promote your podcast, you can effectively reach your target audience, increase listenership, and foster community engagement. Embrace a multi-faceted approach, utilizing social media, collaborations, niche directories, and word-of-mouth marketing to maximize your promotional efforts. In the next section, we will explore building an email list and social media following to further enhance engagement and grow your podcast’s audience.

Fostering community and feedback from listeners to shape future content

Fostering a sense of community and actively seeking feedback from your listeners is vital for shaping future content and deepening the connection with your audience. By creating an environment that encourages interaction and welcomes input, you can gain valuable insights and ensure that your podcast continues to resonate with your target persona.

One effective way to foster community engagement is by creating spaces for listeners to connect and interact with each other. Consider setting up a dedicated online community platform, such as a Facebook group or a forum on your website, where listeners can discuss episodes, share their thoughts, and ask questions. Actively participate in these discussions, respond to comments, and facilitate meaningful conversations. This not only strengthens the bond between you and your listeners but also allows you to tap into the collective wisdom and experiences of your community.

Regularly seek feedback from your listeners through surveys, polls, or direct communication channels. Encourage them to share their thoughts, suggestions, and topics they would like to hear on future episodes. Implement this feedback into your content planning process to ensure that you are delivering what your audience wants and needs. Engaging your listeners in shaping the direction of your podcast makes them feel valued and invested in the content you create.

Consider featuring listener questions, stories, or testimonials in your episodes. Invite your audience to submit their questions, share their personal experiences, or provide feedback that you can address on the podcast. This not only adds a personal touch to your content but also creates a sense of inclusivity and validation for your listeners.

Interviewing your audience or inviting guest speakers from your community can also be a powerful way to foster community engagement and shape future content. Feature individuals who have unique perspectives, expertise, or stories that align with your podcast’s themes. This not only adds variety and diversity to your episodes but also provides a platform for your listeners to share their insights and experiences.

Actively listen to and respond to feedback from your audience. When listeners provide comments, reviews, or messages, take the time to acknowledge and respond to them. This demonstrates your genuine interest in their thoughts and helps to build a strong rapport with your audience.

Regularly evaluate the analytics and metrics of your podcast to gain insights into episode performance and audience engagement. Pay attention to download numbers, episode listens, and social media engagement to understand which episodes resonated most with your audience. Use this data to refine your content strategy and double down on topics that generate high interest and engagement.

Remember that fostering community and seeking feedback is an ongoing process. Continuously evaluate and adapt your approach based on the changing needs and preferences of your audience. Engage in conversations, ask open-ended questions, and encourage ongoing feedback to ensure that your podcast remains relevant, valuable, and impactful to your listeners.

By fostering community and actively seeking feedback from your audience, you create an inclusive and collaborative environment for shaping future content. This engagement strengthens the bond between you and your listeners and ensures that your podcast continues to meet their needs and expectations. In the conclusion, we will recap the key takeaways and provide encouragement to start or improve a podcast.


Starting a podcast for your Church can be a rewarding and impactful endeavor. By reaching a wider audience, creating deeper connections, providing value to members, bringing in the younger generations, and promoting community engagement, you can enhance your ministry and spread the Gospel in new and meaningful ways.

Throughout this article, we have explored key steps in planning, starting, promoting, and growing your podcast. Here are the key takeaways:

  1. Begin by defining your target audience or persona. Understand their needs, challenges, and interests to create content that resonates with them.
  2. Brainstorm episode topics and select the right format to engage your listeners. Address their challenges, offer practical tips, and vary your episode formats to keep the podcast dynamic and relatable.
  3. Outline your podcast and prepare the necessary equipment for recording. Create a structure, consider episode length, invest in a quality microphone, and familiarize yourself with audio editing software.
  4. Upload your podcast to hosting platforms and submit it to directories like Apple Podcasts and Spotify. Make use of popular platforms while also exploring niche directories and specialized podcast apps.
  5. Choose the right platforms and channels to promote your podcast. Utilize social media, collaborate with other podcasts or influencers, and encourage word-of-mouth marketing.
  6. Foster a sense of community and actively seek feedback from your listeners. Create spaces for interaction, encourage feedback and participation, and feature listener questions and stories in your episodes.
  7. Continuously evaluate feedback and analytics to shape future content. Listen to your audience, respond to their feedback, and use data to refine your content strategy.

Now, it’s time to take action. Whether you’re starting a podcast from scratch or looking to improve an existing one, remember that consistency is key. Commit to a regular publishing schedule, engage with your audience, and continuously refine your content and delivery.

Starting a podcast may seem like a daunting task, but the impact and rewards are worth the effort. Your podcast has the potential to reach new audiences, provide spiritual guidance, and foster a strong sense of community. Embrace the opportunities that podcasting offers and embark on this journey with enthusiasm and dedication.

So, what are you waiting for? Start or improve your podcast today and share the message God has given to you with the world. The possibilities are endless, and your voice can make a difference.

As part of Church Growth Academy, you can find more step-by-step resources on how to set up a podcast (including a video course).